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Why Choose a Custom Furnace?

Furnaces are instruments used for heating and processing materials and samples. Generally, they are built using materials that can withstand high temperatures with no adverse effects. Furnaces come in many different configurations to suit different applications. However, furnaces can also be fully customized to meet specific requirements. In this article, we will discuss some of the key benefits of choosing a custom furnace.

Custom Furnaces Streamline Processes

In many industries, customers have special requirements for processes they carry out on specific materials during production. Standardized furnace models are problematic because they are not fit to meet every single requirement that a user might have. This results in the user selecting a furnace that may not be perfectly suited to their application. This can stop them from having valuable opportunities to optimize their process, save money and reduce manpower.

The Benefits of a Custom Furnace

Custom furnaces are well-suited to applications that have heavy loads, most standard furnaces are not built to accommodate these. Standard furnaces are built to withstand high temperatures; however, if the temperature is abnormally high or needs tight uniformity then a custom furnace is required.

Custom furnaces are also beneficial for applications that have strict parameters to meet such as energy consumption, production level or fuel usage. Custom furnaces can be expertly designed to ensure they do not exceed the limits of these requirements. Custom furnaces can also be designed to minimize the emissions of pollutants in the atmosphere; this is especially important when the industry is subject to stringent environmental laws.

Applications that Benefit from Custom Furnaces

There is a range of applications that benefit from the use of a custom furnace such as:

  •       Explosive environments – the custom furnace must be designed to ensure that it will not negatively impact an explosive environment
  •       Limited space applications – custom furnaces can be designed to fit exactly in the space provided for them, for example under fume hoods and in gloveboxes.
  •       Integrated product handling applications – when furnaces require integration with existing product handling equipment custom furnaces are suitable.

Custom Furnaces from Deltech

Deltech has a proven history of creating customized furnaces to fit your application. The customization processes can increase operational efficiency, enhance flexibility, create better use of factory floor space and ensure compliance with local and industry standards.

Deltech has a range of pre-configured furnaces that may suit your application. However, if you don’t see something that meets your exact requirements, get in touch with the team today to find out more about our custom furnace options.