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Vertical Tube Furnaces never die!

Vertical Tube Furnaces never die!

A huge shout out to Dr. Roger Nielsen of South Dakota Mines for sending us these pictures of a very old Deltech vertical tube furnace control system and kind words about his “workhorse” furnace!

Quoting Dr. Nielsen,

“I sort of lost track of which old controller went where.  Your info confirmed what I suspected.  It is a unit I purchased when I was a grad student at SMU.  I took it with me to Maryland in 82, then Oregon State in 88 and here in 18.  Results have been published in over 40 papers with over 5000 citations.  I think that is the definition of a “workhorse”.  Oh  and over 20 student theses.”

To show picture of the topic of this blog post

Eurotherm 990 temperature controller. Note the serial number was handwritten in by the manufacturer.

Picture to illustrate information in post

Look carefully by the check mark to read the instructions by the start button. One of our detail oriented engineers spotted this.


To illustrate topic of this blog post

Eurotherm 990 temperature controller. Notice the analog indicator and the manually operated controls


Dr. Nielsen contacted us because he needed to replace the temperature controller. Amazing that it lasted as long as it did because this furnace and control system were manufactured over 40 years ago. The years since have brought continuous improvement in functionality and ease of operation. And in our case, UL508A compliance as certified by Intertek. Read more about the control systems we currently offer here.

Deltech vertical tube furnace systems are widely used by petrologists worldwide. A common application is conducting oxygen fugacity studies. University departments including Lunar and Planetary Studies, Environmental Sciences, Geological Sciences most often have petrology and vulcanology researchers studying rocks and the conditions under which they form. To learn about Dr. Nielsen’s work, visit his ResearchGate site.

Deltech vertical tube furnaces were originally designed and built for NASA for the moon rock studies conducted in the 1970s. We began to hear about moon rocks again when as this NPR feature details, NASA released some additional samples for study. We hope that the future will bring studies of Martian rocks conducted using Deltech vertical tube furnace systems!

Vertical Tube Furnaces never die! (At least not those manufactured by Deltech.)