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Furnace Giveaway! Free Furnace System!

Furnace Giveaway! Free Furnace System!

Front load furnace and control system

Furnace Giveaway! Free Furnace System!

In celebration of our 50 years of service to the ceramic, glass, and petrology communities, and in our tradition of providing support to education, Deltech Furnaces is giving away a 1500 degrees celsius front load furnace and control system to a nonprofit post secondary school that agrees to employ the equipment in a student lab. To do so we are holding a drawing in our booth (835) at Ceramics Expo on Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018 at 3:30 p.m. EST (Cleveland OH, the Expo’s location, is in the eastern time zone.)

You can enter your favorite non profit community college, college, or university  in one of two ways:

Send an email to containing:

  • Your name and contact information including your company or university affiliation
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • The name of the school and the name of the department at that school that you would like to receive the furnace
  • A contact person in the department who can help us verify eligibility and coordinate arrangements for delivery of the gift
  • The address, phone number, and email address for the contact person

You can also enter the giveaway by putting the same information on paper and depositing it in the entry box which will be available in our booth from the start of the Expo until the time of the drawing.


  1. One entry per person
  2. You can nominate your own school and department, but the equipment must be used in a student lab
  3. Deltech will pay LTL freight to a destination in the continental United States. For all other destinations, the gift is exclusive of freight charges and any applicable duties and taxes. Shipment to destinations outside the continental U.S. must be on a freight collect basis.  Deltech Furnaces will provide standard ISPM 15 certified crating.

The furnace system will include:

Front load furnace with a 6″ cubed workspace and a manual door

Silicon carbide heating elements

Type R control and overtemperature protection thermocouples

Control system including a programmable temperature controller, overtemperature protection circuit, and SCR power controller. Controls will be housed in a NEMA 1 control cabinet. Note that all Deltech control systems are certified by Intertek UL508A compliant.

Questions: Email

Don’t miss out on this Furnace Giveaway opportunity!