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22 Mar

Are you familiar with our “Fast Fire” option?

Are you familiar with our “Fast Fire” option? Some applications require rapid heating; for example in the testing of thermal protection materials. Those materials might be as familiar as drywall, or they could be exotic products meant to withstand reentry to the earth’s atmosphere. Fast firing is possible through the use of extra heating elements, […]

19 Dec

Time for a rebuild? Maybe.

Time for a rebuild? Maybe.                                     No one wants to unnecessarily invest down time, money, and labor into replacing furnace parts. But avoiding even higher costs and longer furnace down time due to catastrophic failures should also be […]

22 Sep

Is a Rotary Tube Furnace Right for your Process?

Rotary tube furnaces provide efficient heat and mass transfer and minimize material handling in applications such as powder processing.

4 May

FAQs: Atmosphere Envelope Furnaces

28 Feb

Which bench top model is best for you?

Which bench top model is best for you? Our director of Sales, Design, and Engineering prepared this tutorial to help someone unfamiliar with the world of bench top laboratory furnaces decide on the best model for their applications. All three are easy to operate and maintain and have features which facilitate different kinds of thermal […]

10 Sep

Controlled atmosphere furnaces … tubes and more

16 Apr

Two Furnaces for the Price of One – Convertibles

Two Furnaces for the Price of One! – Convertibles Convertible furnaces are Deltech products that you may not know about. Suppose you are planning on sharing furnace time with colleagues, but you need a controlled atmosphere tube design and they want a bottom loader. You really can have it all with a CVT/BL or CHT/BL model […]

9 Jan

What is a Top Hat Furnace?

Updated: Article originally published in September 2018 has been amended with new details In standard elevator furnaces – also known as bottom loader furnaces – a mechanism is used to elevate the load platform or kiln car into the furnace body. As the heating chamber itself doesn’t move, all the internal elements (heating coils, rods, […]

3 Nov

Five Things you Should Know about Controlled Atmosphere Furnaces

  Controlled atmosphere front load furnace: There are many vertical and horizontal tube furnaces suppliers, but few suppliers of front load, bottom load, and top hat furnaces specially designed for processing in inert atmospheres. To do so, the furnace must be sealed: the element ports, thermocouple ports, and door access. Gas inlets will allow purging […]

26 Jan

Deltech Furnaces Offers Sophisticated HMI Solutions