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24 Nov

Where to Buy Ultra High Temperature Furnaces

Ultra high temperature furnaces are sometimes known as industrial furnaces. They are a form of laboratory furnace that can reach extremely high temperatures, much higher than most standard furnaces. They are ideal for a broad range of uses and contain heating elements and a heat chamber that maintains temperature control and uniformity. This article will […]

17 Nov

Creating a Custom Furnace

4 Oct

Key Features of Rocking Motion Ovens

  Rocking motion furnaces have been in use for many years, over time the applications have increased for both melting and processing as well as ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys. Additionally, certain chemical and other operations on both metallic and non-metallic materials have found using rocking motion ovens advantageous. How do Rocking Motion Ovens […]

28 Sep

What is a non-continuous furnace?

Many industrial processes require non-continuous heat treatment. Optimal treatment conditions are easier to recreate in closed systems such as non-continuous furnaces. Some industrial applications require inert or vacuum conditions to maintain impermeability. Non-continuous furnaces are ideal for these applications because they are closed process machines. Non-continuous furnaces are best utilized for parts that are unique […]

22 Sep

Is a Rotary Tube Furnace Right for your Process?

Rotary tube furnaces provide efficient heat and mass transfer and minimize material handling in applications such as powder processing.

8 Sep

3 Things You Should Know about Furnace Exhaust Systems

6 Aug

Glass melt furnaces used in environmental research

Glass melt furnaces used in environmental research             This photo of a researcher pouring glass that was melted in a Deltech glass melt furnace appears on the homepage for the Alfred University Center for Glass Innovation. According to the information posted there, the Center was established at the New York […]

4 Aug

Visit us at Ceramics Expo 2021!

Visit us at Ceramics Expo 2021! Update from close of show: see photo to the right of Co-Owner/Director of Sales, Engineering, and Production J.J. Stevenson in our booth at the Expo. It was surprisingly well attended given that Covid continues to present special problems for travelers, especially those coming from places outside of the United […]

2 Jul

Deltech Vertical Tube Furnace and the Z Machine

Deltech Vertical Tube Furnace and the Z Machine Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque New Mexico has a machine that can “create conditions found nowhere else on earth”. It is “the most powerful and efficient laboratory radiation source. It uses high magnetic fields associated with high electrical currents to product high temperatures, high pressures, and powerful […]

21 Jun

3 Types of Benchtop Furnace

Deltech supplies 3 different types of benchtop furnace, all of which are simple to use and maintain and have features which can be used for various kinds of thermal processing. This can be for both research and product manufacturing purposes. The versatility of a benchtop furnace means that the same furnace can be used despite […]