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5 Jun

Eurotherm 3504 controller Setup With No Events and Type-B thermocouple

5 Jun

Eurotherm 3504 controller Setup With Four Events and Type K thermocouple

5 Jun

Eurotherm 3504 controller Setup With Four Events and Type B thermocouple

5 Jun

Eurotherm 3504 controller Setup With Eight Events and Type-B thermocouple

11 Apr

Water cooled end caps installation

Water cooled end caps installation You may be wondering how to go about placing your NASA-designed water-cooled end caps onto your process tube. Follow the instructions below. If you have any questions, contact us.   The water-cooled tube seal must be attached to the top end of the ceramic process tube. When operating the furnace, […]

22 Mar

Are you familiar with our “Fast Fire” option?

Are you familiar with our “Fast Fire” option? Some applications require rapid heating; for example in the testing of thermal protection materials. Those materials might be as familiar as drywall, or they could be exotic products meant to withstand reentry to the earth’s atmosphere. Fast firing is possible through the use of extra heating elements, […]

18 Jan

Deltech glass melt furnace featured in winning video

Deltech glass melt furnace featured in winning video The Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation of the American Ceramic Society hosted the first annual Crystal Clear Science video competition in the fall of 2023. The competition, according to CGIF’s Communication and Grants Associate Helen Widman, was “encouraging undergraduate and graduate students to get creative with their […]

10 Nov

Career Expo 2023

Career Expo 2023 Deltech Furnaces was once again a sponsor of the Adams County Colorado Education Consortium’s Career Expo event. In attendance for the 8th year, Deltech was one of the companies who presented career opportunities and pathways to 8th grade students from area schools. Deltech’s Senior Mechanical Drafter, Perla Del Rio, has been our […]

12 Sep

Congressional staff visitors

Congressional staff visitors   Congressional staff members from NIST, MEP, and several house and senate committees visited Deltech in August. NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, provides funding to MEP, the Manufacturing Extension Partnership. Members of our local MEP were also in attendance.   Specifically, our visitors included representatives from NIST, the national […]

31 Aug

Export-Import Bank visitors

Export-Import Bank visitors   Rita Jo Lewis, Esq and members of her team visited Deltech Furnaces in April, 2023. Ms. Lewis is President and Chair of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. Deltech uses the Ex-Im export insurance program to insure our foreign receivables against loss.   Chair Lewis and her team were eager […]