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Water cooled end caps installation

Water cooled end caps installation

You may be wondering how to go about placing your NASA-designed water-cooled end caps onto your process tube.

Follow the instructions below. If you have any questions, contact us.


The water-cooled tube seal must be attached to the top end of the ceramic process tube. When operating the furnace, water must be flowing at a suitable rate to keep the O-rings cool: one slpm per end cap.

  1. Separate all seal components. (See Diagram).
  2. Slide each seal component onto the furnace tube in the order -and orientation- indicated. Note that the Top End Seal and the Bottom End Seal are similar. The Top End Seal has four tapped holes and an O-Ring groove, while the Bottom End Seal does not.
  3. Observe the diagram and orient the End Seals and the Water Jacket as shown.
  4. Coat the O-Rings with silicone base O-Ring lube before sliding them onto the furnace tube.
  5. Position the Top End Seal so that the furnace tube is recessed about ¼” down from the O-Ring grooved face.
  6. Seat the Tube O-Ring against the Top End Seal. Seat the Water Jacket against the Tube O-Ring.
  7. Use four Seal Bolts to attach the Top End Seal to the Water Jacket. Using a torque pattern, begin tightening the bolts (maintaining an even spacing between the Top End Seal and the Water Jacket), adjusting the position of the Top End Seal to maintain the ¼” recess to the process tube lip.
  8. Seat the remaining Tube O-Ring against the back fillet of the Water Jacket. Seat the Bottom End Seal against the Tube O-Ring. Use four Seal Bolts to attach the Bottom End Seal to the Water Jacket. Using a torque pattern begin tightening the bolts (maintaining an even spacing between the Bottom End Seal and the Water Jacket), adjusting the position of the Top End Seal to maintain the 1/4″ process tube recess as the bolts are being tightened.
  9. The Top and Bottom end Seals should be secured to the Water Jacket, compressing the Tube O-Rings against the ceramic tube.
  10. Using O-Ring Lube place the End Plate O-Ring into the Top End Seal, and attach the End Plate to the Top End Seal using four Seal Bolts.
Exploded view to aid understanding of the installation process

Water Cooled End Cap








The Water Jacket has two ¼” pipe ports to attach a water coolant inlet and outlet. The Top End Seal has a ¼” pipe Gas Port for inlet or exhaust gas.

View of water cooled end cap showing water and gas connections

Water Cooled End Cap exterior view