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Deltech Furnaces (still) Recycles

Deltech Furnaces (still) Recycles

We posted this information on our recycling methods in 2013, and we are still at it here in 2021. And in 2022 we joined the wind energy grid offered by our public utility, Xcel Energy, at an added cost. We continue to look for new and affordable ways further a zero-carbon future.

An unexpected benefit is the amount of money we have saved on packaging supplies, savings that help us keep our products reasonably priced.  And we have never received a single complaint from a customer about receiving orders in reused packaging.

Down with plain vanilla and up with environmental “Green”!

Even though we are all concerned with the health of our environment, it’s sometimes easy to overlook the obvious. A few months ago a member of the Deltech Furnaces team questioned why we were throwing away packaging materials from incoming shipments and buying new materials to use for our outgoing shipments. After all, many of those discarded materials were in excellent condition and could have been “recycled” for the benefit of Deltech furnaces, our customers, and our planet. That environmentally conscious observation sparked the Deltech Furnaces “recycling” program. Over the past few months the Deltech Furnaces team has been reusing boxes, loose fill, and bubble wrap from every incoming package for our outbound shipping. We also use paper that has gone into our recycle bins by shredding it and using it for packing material. This means that some of the packages you receive from Deltech Furnaces may be, well… “colorful”. As always, every shipment is packed to ensure the safe arrival of its contents at your lab or office door.

In addition to keeping reusable materials out of the dumpster, energy is saved because fewer new items have to be manufactured and shipped.

Our other environmentally conscious efforts:

When we must use new materials, we use recyclable boxes and biodegradable loose fill

We donate metals to neighborhood scrap metal collectors

Ÿ We purchased an energy audit from our local energy cooperative

and implemented their recommendations

Join us in the human effort to save our environment: “ship it forward”!

Deltech Furnaces Recycles each and every box to keep the ENVIRONMENT

Deltech Furnaces (still) Recycles

Deltech Furnaces reuses Packaging Materials

Watch for one of these labels on your packages from Deltech Furnaces