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Symposium on Flash Sintering

Symposium on Flash Sintering

Rishi Raj, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at our own University of Colorado at Boulder, has announced a symposium on flash sintering to be held in August on the Boulder campus. Following is the information provided by Dr. Raj:


Since Marco Cologna’s seminal paper in 2010, flash sintering (hyperlink added by blogger) has expanded, drawing interest from many laboratories around the world. The phenomena has been shown to be surprisingly general and mechanistically complex, and in its scientific interpretation, highly interdisciplinary.

In addition to sintering, the flash experiments reveal unusual phase transformations. Indeed “reactive flash sintering” refers to concurrent phase transformation and sintering.

Most notable have been recent results from experiments at Synchrotrons. These results will be the highlight of this mini-Symposium.


August 7th: Contributors from Los Alamos National Laboratory, University of Colorado, and University of Illinois,     and all attendees of the Symposium.

August 8th Morning: Continuation of technical presentations and discussions.

August 8th Afternoon: Hike in the foothills, followed by visit to a bar and dinner.


Rishi Raj,   (303)492-1029 Bola Yoon,

Logistics Airport DEN

Boulder Hotel:

University Inn is within walking distance to the University as well as to downtown. Please mention my name and Mechanical Engineering. Please write to Rishi if you need help with reservation.

Transportation: RTD-Den Route AB provides door (Denver airport) to door (University Inn) 
transport with service every hour or half hour. Fare $9"