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Education for jobs: Deltech Furnaces Supports Education at AdCo Commissioners Career Expo

Deltech Furnaces participated in the Adams County Commissioners Career Expo on November 19, 2013. The Expo gives 5500 area eighth graders the opportunity to find out what various local companies do and what levels and kinds of education are required to work in those industries. Deltech Furnaces sent two of our youngest production technicians, Cody Cochran and Bobby Duncan, to meet, greet, and introduce the students to our show-and-tell items. On display was a mockup clamshell furnace which allowed the students to view the interior insulation layers; an assortment of Eurotherm instruments; a thermocouple; a molydisilicide heating element; element hardware; and ceramic and zirconia hearth plates. Students were able to observe the effect of heating a thermocouple by observing a temperature display on a temperature controller.

Bobby and Cody also answered student questions regarding the educational requirements for the various positions at Deltech Furnaces.

Deltech donated logo T-shirts for prize packages for the students who most impressed the company representatives with their professional approach.

Deltech also supports the President’s Council of Student Advisors (PCSA) One of the missions of the PCSA is to introduce high school students to the materials science world and to the levels of education required for research, teaching, and manufacturing.

Bobby Duncan Production Technician at Deltech Furnaces

Deltech Furnaces Production Technician Bobby Duncan engages young student at AdCo Commissioners Career Expo